Getting the Best out of Your Workday as a Freelancer: A Complete Guide

Getting the Best out of Your Workday as a Freelancer: A Complete Guide

As the sun peeks over the horizon, millions of freelancers across the globe kick off their workday. But how many of these freelancers genuinely enjoy their working day? What strategies have they deployed to optimize their productivity? This article will take a walk through Mr. Barker's day - a freelance graphic designer - to understand insights into freelance productivity.

Time Management

Look, we cannot ignore the fact that freelancing comes with its fair share of challenges. While we romanticize the charm of working in pajamas or setting our own schedules, the reality often paints a different picture. Let's take a step back and acknowledge the grim face of freelancing.

This study by german socio economic panel brings to light that many freelancers find themselves in what's titled 'interdependent multidimensional poverty.' In layman's terms, due to the demanding nature of freelance work, they often find little time to spare for their personal obligations or social activities, leading to social exclusion and isolation.

time poor freelancers
Avg. Time Spent On Genuine Personal Leisure Time

Much like our morning sun, a freelancer's workday needs to rise steadily and set peacefully. In this article, we'll take a walk through Mr. Barker's day - a freelance graphic designer - to understand insights into freelance productivity.

Dialing in the Right Start

According to this study from JMIR Canada, Early morning behaviors between waking up and beginning daily work can develop into productive habits. However, sleep inertia limits the level of human ability immediately after waking, lowering a person’s motivation and available time for productive morning behavior.

That's why Mr. Barker starts his day off not with a rush to the computer but a workout session. Forty-five minutes of simple stretches and meditation prep him up for the day ahead. Why a workout? Well, multiple studies have shown a significant link between regular exercise and increased cognitive function, mental health, and energy levels.

Psyche O'Clock

Leaving Mr. Barker in his post-workout relaxation, it's time to switch gears. Maintaining your psychological well-being is as instrumental as any other task in a freelancer's workday. This study shows that those who worked remotely 4 or more days per week were marginally more likely to report feeling lonely compared with those who did not work remotely.

networking for freelancers
  1. Idea: A weekly online meet-up or hobby class relevant to freelancing work where like-minded people can interact. This fosters a sense of community.
  2. A Seamless Workflow – The Barker way! Our friend Mr. Barker swears by time-blocking – a time management method credited to Benjamin Franklin where your day is divided into blocks of dedicated, focused work.

Mr. Barker's secret to time-blocking? The Pomodoro Technique. It sounds like a fancy pasta dish, but it actually involves 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. This technique helps avoid burnout and increases productivity.

pomodoro for freelancers

Winding Down the Barker Way!

Our journey with Mr. Barker concludes, emphasising that endings are as important as beginnings. Barker takes time before sleep to reflect on his day, expressing gratitude and envisioning the next day's tasks.

According to this study, three types of gratitude are predictors of job performance and job satisfaction and this relation has been tested in a serial mediation model. This investigation on gratitude has practical implications for the planning of training interventions framed in the positive psychology context.

marathon not sprint freelancers
Remember - Freelancing is a marathon, not a sprint.

By balancing physical, mental well-being, adopting techniques like time-blocking, and properly winding down, we can ensure higher productivity and a more fulfilling freelance journey. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced freelancer like Mr. Barker, there's always room to get the best out of your workday.

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